I choose happiness, joy. That has not always been a simple task. If you have never
had to choose, honayyyy I am happy for you. Choosing is hard in all circumstances.
My goodness, lets park this SUV and choose what to eat, choose what the inside temp is
on either side and the back. You have your own dial people, choose your own. Don't worry
about my hormone dial over here. Keep in your zone. Seriously, what do you choose that's easy, fun or hard? Think about all the items you have had to choose over the years. If it's like my list it's a lot.
I know without a doubt, I am so humbled to have chosen Jesus. I was raised in church and came from a loving christian home. However, I thought I knew my saviour and well, I know now I did not truly truly know him until 2005. I have never leaned on him so much in my life and at that breaking point it hurt my heart into tears what he sacrificed for me. I chose him to help me in a circumstance that he could only define and provide understanding of the events in his time.
Choosing a tribe and others who support, love and know this understanding makes life
so fun, joyful, happy and easy. It comes naturally, peaceful and there is no hassle of topic.
I choose to fuel my soul with happy , are you truly aware that the Father takes delight in you
and that he thinks about you all the time. He chooses you, me and everyone else in between.
Now, if that is not a gift. I choose you all reading this , yes I choose you!!
I choose you to search your spirit, soul and your reset if need be and choose happy-
choose him , choose who you will serve. Choose self-care, it's a priority.
Other than , Jesus and the family I was chosen to Love- I got to choose a great man
with a Harley. He was chosen just for me and I am happy. The best chosen gift for me.....
the title mom of our little (well, middle school) man .
who and what do you choose??
In peace,
